← ma-pony:main
opened 05:16AM - 22 Jul 24 UTC
For features and bug fixes, before opening a PR, please open an issue desc…ribing
the bug or feature the PR will address. You can skip this step if it's a typo fix.
Replace this comment with a description of the change. Describe how it
addresses the linked issue.
Link to relevant issues or previous PRs, one per line. Use "fixes" to
automatically close an issue.
fixes #587
If needed, ensure each step in the checklist below is complete. If only docs were changed, these aren't relevant and can be removed.
- [x] Add tests that demonstrate the correct behavior of the change. Tests should fail without the change.
- [x] Add or update relevant docs, in the `docs` folder and in code docstring.
- [x] Add an entry in `CHANGES.md` summarizing the change and linking to the issue.
- [x] Add `*Version changed*` or `*Version added*` note in any relevant docs and docstring.
- [x] Run `pytest` and `tox`, no tests failed.